Overture to Treemonisha
Scott Joplin (1868-1917)
arr. T.J. Anderson (b. 1928)
Yoona Jeong, Conductor
Fancy Free
Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)
arr. Garth Sunderland (b. 1974)
I. Enter Three Sailors
II. Scene at the Bar
III. Enter Two Girls
IV. Pas de Deux
V. Competition Scene
VI. Three Dance Variations
(Galop, Waltz, Danzon)
VII. Finale
15 minutes
Delights & Dances
Michael Abels (b. 1962)
Ruth Lenz, Margeaux Maloney, Violins
Dustin Budish, Viola
Peter Lenz, Cello
Three Songs of Duke Ellington for Chamber Orchestra
Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington (1899-1974)
arr. Stephen Prutsman (b. 1960)
I. Blue Pepper
II. Bluebird of Delhi
III. Caravan
Eve Allen Garza, Chroeographer
Katarina Hallerbach¹, Solo performer and choreographer
​Nina Drobushev, Katarina Hallerbach, Demiah Hunt, Frankie Melander, Ryann Trimble, Brynna Wayland, Dancers
​Projection Design: Eve Allen Garza (prepared by Katarina Hallerbach)
Projection Photographs & Artwork: Special Collections of the University of Nevada-Reno Library, Western Nevada Historic Photo Collection, David Parker/RGJ, The Neal Cobb Collection, LIFE Magazine Image Archive, Getty Images, Roman Nogin, and a special thank you to Reno artist Bryce Chisholm for permission to use his artwork.
I Got Rhythm Variations
George Gershwin (1898-1937)
arr. Iain Farrington (b. 1977)
James Winn, Piano
¹ Nevada Undergraduate Research Award Recipient
Kelly Kuo, Music Director
​Yoona Jeong, Assistant Conductor
First Violins 
Ruth Lenz*, Concertmaster
A friend of Ruth Lenz & the RCO
Margeaux Maloney*, Associate Concertmaster 
Walter L. Dillard Memorial Chair
Olga Archdekin*
Norm & Jan Ziomek Chair
David Haskins*
Jeff Lindhorst
Christopher Lin-Brande
Second Violins 
Ellen Flanagan*, Acting Principal Second
In Memory of Kristell Moller
Claire Tatman
Ivanka Dill*
Sponsored by Mary & John Tozzi
Alison Harvey
Elizabeth Lenz
Ben Porter
Dustin Budish*, Principal
Les & Marsha Cohen Memorial Chair 
Sarah Coyl*
The Edie & Pete Cartwright Chair 
Noelle Rader
Nat Sattler
Peter Lenz*, Principal
A friend of Peter Lenz 
Luciana Gallo *
Karen Stout-Gardner*
Barbara McMeen*
Scott Faulkner*, Principal 
Gail & Jack McAllister Chair
Nancy Hoffman* 
Evan Pengra Sult, Acting Principal
Noah Breneman*, Principal 
Dale Roberts Memorial Chair
Jordan Pyle 
Lise Lenz Drake Memorial Chair
Karl Busch*, Principal 
Marshall & Patricia Postman Chair
Chris Money 
Dylan Neff*, Principal 
Jimmie’s Chair
Kylie Howard
John Lenz*, Principal 
Remembering Jim Whipp
Christine Geiger
Paul Lenz*, Principal
Gaia Brown & Lloyd Rogers Chair
Jef Derderian
Jim Albrecht
Russ Dickman
James Winn*, Principal
Remembering Vahe Khochayan
Dominic Grande*, Principal
Kris & Pat Ellingsworth Chair
Carol Nelson Colwell
​* denotes RCO Contract Musician
Concert, piece and soloist sponsorships are available for the season, and the Nevada Chamber Music Festival. Email eloftus@renochamberorchestra.org if you're interested in becoming a sponsor.
Program Notes
by Chris Morrison
Once again in the 24/25 season we are presenting our program notes in the form of a podcast. This podcast will be available to listen to directly via our site, or on your favorite podcast app. Listen while you're driving or enjoying your morning coffee!
Of course, our program notes are also available for those who prefer to read them. Follow the link below, to download and print, or read on your phone screen.
Our box office has a limited number of printed copies of the program notes available for those who require special access.